Why choose this subject?

Mathematics is one of the biggest facilitating subjects and is essential for many higher education courses and careers. The overarching themes of the course are:
• Mathematical argument, language and proof
• Mathematical problem solving
• Mathematical modelling

Do you watch significantly more TV than other people? How high must you throw a water balloon to hit the target? How does Amazon work out which products it should recommend to you? All these questions will be answered during the course.

How will this subject be delivered?

Mathematics is taught through theoretical lessons. You will develop your problem solving and analytical skills as the course develops.

How is it assessed?

Assessment is by 3 exams, each 2 hours long. (100 marks each. Equal weighting to final mark.)
Paper 1: All core content.
Paper 2: All core content + mechanics
Paper 3: All core content + statistics

Subject specific entry requirements

• Minimum grade 7 at GCSE Mathematics.


A Level Mathematics opens the door to many further education courses and careers – medicine, IT, game design, accountancy, engineering, pharmacy, geography, business, finance… the list is infinitely long (or is it?).

Additional costs relating to this course

You will need to own an A level specific scientific calculator and textbook.

Level: A LEVEL

Board: AQA