GCSE and BTEC Level 2 Results Day – 20 August 2020
As you are aware prior to the summer holidays we explained that we would be allowing students to come onto site if they wanted to collect their results, if students wish to do this on Thursday they must go onto the link below and book a time slot. Students will only be allowed onto site if they have registered for a time.
- GCSE results day (year 11 only): https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/y11-results-day-thursday-20th-august-2020-tickets-111817158130
We understand that some students may wish to have their results sent to them rather than come onto site in person, if they wish to do this they need to email Mrs Wiblin our examination manager before Tuesday 18 August, using the email address below.
- Waltons Exam Account exams@walton-ac.org.uk
Below is a link to a video and student booklet which has been created by OFQUAL to explain to all stakeholders the process of awarding results this summer:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EX5STb0qbGI&feature=youtu.be
- https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/student-guide-to-post-16-qualification-results-summer-2020
Our intention is to have a positive and supportive results day for all of our students, so that we can celebrate their results and this important milestone with them. To ensure we are keeping everyone as safe as possible in following the COVID19 guidelines during results day if your daughter is coming onto site please make sure they are aware of the following:
If any student, guest or member of their household is unwell and has any of the COVID19 symptoms they must stay at home and not come into the academy in line with government guidance.
- On arrival students should report to reception to sign in
- All visitors will be required to sanitise their hands on entry
- We ask that everyone on site observes social distancing at all times
- Students will be led through into the hall to collect their results following the one way system which will be signposted
- Students are allowed one guest to come onto site with them
- Guests will be escorted to the waiting area which is outside in the quad
- Students will be able to join their guest once they have collected their results
- Unless students are needing support we will require students to leave site at the end of their 20 minute time slot so we can control numbers throughout the morning
- Students that are wanting support will be asked to report to the music room or dance studio where staff will be available, a waiting area will be in place at both spaces
In the quad there will be stations for students to pick up their leavers hoodies, Year books and for them to drop off any text books, revision guides and their locker keys. If students need to visit their lockers prior to handing in their key they will be able to do this on the day.
Finally we are very aware of the anxiety surrounding GCSE results given the current media frenzy around the A level results that were awarded last week. There is still a great deal of uncertainty surrounding the process and many schools are looking to challenge the grades awarded. We will be continuing to watch the guidance this week and we will communicate any updates as appropriate.
This is an unprecedented situation, our commitment at Walton remains to do everything we can to support our students to get onto a suitable pathway for them to continue their educational journey and to ensure they are all treated fairly. Our staff will be on site on Thursday to offer support and guidance to you all.
If you have any queries about the information above please do not hesitate to contact the academy.