Students will be expected to undertake independent learning and do homework outside of the timetabled curriculum.

It is an expectation that students will catch up on missed homework as a result of absence.

Teachers set the most appropriate homework for students, however, they will also set core homework tasks in accordance with their faculty procedures:



Homework is set every other lesson based on previous learning.


Homework is set every other lesson based on previous learning. Year 11 students are asked to select their own tasks for homework at several times during the year based on diagnostic testing tools, which identify specific areas for improvement.



Students are set homework based on their individual assignment work, which is checked fortnightly.

Dance, drama, music

KS4 / 5

Students are typically asked to rehearse routines or pieces of music in addition to completing either exam questions or assignment work on a fortnightly basis.



A regular homework task is set for each topic such as a set of questions or a worksheet, out of the same number of marks to compare progress made across the topics during the year.


Years 7 – 10
Students complete two weekly tasks comprising a homework sheet and a skills check. Homework sheets are based on work from the previous term as part of spaced learning, which focuses on constantly accessing prior knowledge so it is not forgotten. The skills check contains 20 mixed topic questions which test existing mathematics skills. All sheets have a linked Mathswatch video to provide easy access to helpful resources.

Year 11
Students complete three exam questions each week. Each homework sheet has a ‘WWW’ (What Went Well) and an ‘EBI’ (Even Better If), to allow students to see what they have done correctly and what they need to improve. Lesson time is allocated for students to complete work focused on their EBI’s.


KS3 / KS4 / KS5

Homework is set once per week. Teachers will set a task that either consolidates skills or prepares students for the next stage of their learning such as:

  • further reading of a class text
  • individual reading
  • completion of final draft of work discussed, planned and prepared in class
  • preparation of oral work
  • research
  • comprehension/language exercises

Food & Nutrition

KS3 / KS4

Homework is set every other lesson in line with the activities students complete in their course booklet. This will include bringing ingredients for the practical lessons and research into recipes, as well as how they can be modified.


Regular opportunities for homework are provided through Schemes of Learning, focused on knowledge and application or examination technique.


A task is set every fortnight, such as learning key terms/spellings, worksheets, skills based activities or a poster summarising the topic. Each homework is expected to take around 30 minutes to complete.


Set every week, tasks are usually based on practice questions taken from CGP workbooks, with occasional revision as well. Each homework is expected to take around 30 minutes to complete.


Tasks vary from pre-reading to essays and is set individually by each teacher. Each tasks is expected to take around one hour to complete.


Regular opportunities for homework are provided through schemes of learning, focused on knowledge and application or examination technique.


Tasks set include speeches, posters, PEE paragraphs, research/presentations and revision for quizzes/tests. Most tasks take around 30 minutes to complete.

KS4 / 5

As well as using the same tasks as in KS3, homework is often specific to exam practice. Exam questions are set regularly as well as creating revision resources and revision for tests. Occasionally, exam questions will be completed in timed conditions so length of time will vary.

Health & Social Care


Students will be given independent research tasks around topics that will then inform their coursework. As this qualification is coursework based students are expected to independently complete aspects of coursework at home.


Independently carry out further reading around subject areas using PLCs (Personal Learning Checklists) or specifications as a subject guide. Students are also be asked to create on going revision resources to support exam based modules or carry out research to prepare for assignment work.

KS3 / 4

Each week students are expected to access “Quizlet” to earn revision points. Leader boards on the website are used to monitor engagement and progress made.


KS4 / 5

In year 9, students are set one exam question per fortnight. In year 10, students are set one exam question per week. Students in years 11 – 13 are set homework based on their individual assignment work, which is checked regularly.

Philosophy & Ethics


Homework is typically set weekly – if a task is more creative then a longer deadline may be given. Homework tasks consist of a variety of activities, often including a choice of task such as re-creating understanding in the form of a children’s book, a video for the topic or an academic poster.

KS4 / KS5

Students are set at least one exam question per week. Often, additional homework will consist of re-writing and improving essays from the previous week.

Visual Arts (photography, art, textiles)

KS3 / KS4

Tasks are open ended, with scope for choice that either consolidate or extend students’ learning, focused on the presentation of their sketchbook work. Regular research tasks are used to develop students’ independence and prepare them for the practical lessons.

Progress with homework in KS3 is checked fortnightly, during projects that last typically 8 – 14 weeks.

Progress with homework in KS4 is checked weekly during projects that last over a full term