In years 7 to 9, all students spend four lessons per week in each core subject, ensuring they have a solid foundation of skills and knowledge in literacy, numeracy and science that will ensure that they thrive in all other subjects. A range of subjects are offered so that students can access a diverse array of qualifications later in their education, to give them the best opportunities to achieve whatever career pathway they choose.
All students learn both French and Spanish.
Life skills lessons enhances the three days of curriculum time spent on this area, and happen throughout the academic year, to seamlessly link together PSHE and careers provision.
Preparing for years 7 to 9 – careers guidance and transition
A smooth transition to secondary school for all students is vital to their success in their studies. Therefore, additional staffing time and leadership roles are allocated to this area of the curriculum; strong strategic leadership results in a highly effective transition into Walton for all students.
Walton staff maintain contact with staff and students from all schools – currently, over 20 primary schools send students to Walton and so it is important to ensure that this contact is sustainable and effective. At a strategic level, Walton hosts a termly primary heads meeting so that leaders have regular communication and discuss a range of common issues. A range of teaching staff from Walton attend primary cluster meetings to discuss key stage 2 moderation and year 7 work comparisons, as well as year 6 maths and reading/writing English and maths moderation. This avoids a “dip” in students’ learning as they move from year 6 to year 7, as teachers are aware of students’ prior learning and can challenge them from their very first day. This is a particular focus for maths and English and therefore staff from the primary schools and Walton meet regularly to share best practice for teaching and learning in year 6 English and maths.
Walton staff also teach masterclasses in history, art, maths, science and drama to all students in primary schools, securing a flying start to year 7.