Our vision

To inspire. To raise aspirations. To create brighter tomorrows.

Our core values

We empower

We respect

We care

We empower. We respect. We care.


At Walton, our aim is to lead excellence by providing an exceptional educational experience, where every student is encouraged to achieve their full potential. Our high-performing community has kindness at its heart, supported by an ethos of excellence, commitment, courage and ownership.

Excellence – surpasses ordinary standards. ‘Excellence is doing ordinary things extraordinarily well.’

Courage – courage doesn’t mean you don’t feel fear, it means you don’t let fear stop you. ‘I haven’t failed I have just found 10,000 ways that didn’t work.’

Commitment – dedication, taking responsibility; commitment is pushing yourself when no-one else is around. ‘Commitment is the glue that bonds you to your goals.’

Ownership – taking responsibility and control of your destiny. ‘You are responsible for the talent that has been entrusted to you.’

In addition to exceptional teaching, we take a holistic approach to character education to ensure each student develops as a well-rounded, resilient and responsible citizen who is fully prepared for their next steps. We want our students to be strong of mind, will and heart, for each individual to be successful academically but also leave us with a robust moral compass. At Walton we pride ourselves on our personalised approach, supporting all students, working as one team in our positive community.

We expect and encourage all of our students to become fully involved in Walton life. Alongside their commitment to academic excellence, our character education is hugely important to us. Enrichment at Walton thrives throughout all subject areas, with many opportunities for students to experience new things. All students will experience our ‘LORIC’ curriculum, this develops five key attributes – leadership, organisation, resilience, initiative and communication. The exploration and development of these skills gives our students at Walton ‘the edge’ preparing them for the next stages in their educational journey and the world of work.

Walton’s guarantees

  • High quality teaching in every classroom
  • A wide variety of enrichment opportunities
  • A phone call or email from the Principal within 48 hours of parental contact being received
  • Every student has a voice