We take safeguarding at the academy very seriously and we ensure that all students are safe at the academy at all times. Together with providing excellent pastoral care to all of our students we also ensure that students are kept up to date with the correct knowledge and information to keep themselves safe online and in society. We clearly inform students of what methods of communication they can use whilst in the academy if they need to speak to someone or report an issue.

Throughout the academic year we deliver a complete safeguarding and wellbeing curriculum to students through computing lessons, tutorial time, assemblies and life skills and choices days. The curriculum includes e-safety, the importance of sleep, wellbeing, healthy relationships and road safety to name just a few of the topics.

We are very proud that safeguarding at Walton is a culture and we have a range of support in place for students to assist students with any concerns they may have. These include:

  • ELSA trained support staff
  • attendance officer
  • student services
  • safeguarding team
  • heads of year
  • pastoral mentors
  • form tutors

We then work closely with our outside agencies to give further specialist support to our students. These include:

  • PREVENT team
  • LSCP – early help team
  • healthy minds
  • home start
  • Trust House
  • CAMHS/CAMHS crisis
  • Kooth counselling
  • We Are With You
  • Young Oasis
  • CASY Counselling
  • Lincolnshire Grief and Loss

The safeguarding team at Walton is:

Designated safeguarding lead – Mrs K Dolby
Deputy safeguarding lead – Mr M Hoad
Deputy safeguarding lead – Mrs A Fields
Safeguarding team – Mrs T Ashwin, Mrs T Bassan, Mrs H Bingham, Mrs S Byrne, Mrs A Searson, Mrs J Tall and Miss F Warmsey-Johnson

To contact them directly please use the academy telephone number 01476 563251.

Safeguarding policy

Walton Academy follow the Diverse Academies’ safeguarding policy, together with having our own local appendix which details all relevant contacts.