Pupil premium funding

The pupil premium represents an annual amount of government funding aimed at improving the educational achievement of children living in economically disadvantaged circumstances. Schools and academies are required to publish an annual report, giving further detail of how this funding is used, and indications of the educational impact on the children it is aimed at helping.

Pupil premium strategy statement 2024

Pupil premium plus (PP+) – Lincolnshire County Council

Pupil premium plus Lincolnshire CC

How we intend to use the grant

Quality first teaching and intervention
The EEF recommends a tiered approach to closing the gap. Tier 1 is high quality teaching for all, tier 2 is targeted support using teaching assistants (TAs), high quality one to one and small group interventions and planning for pupils with special educational needs (SEN) with tier 3 offering support in pastoral aspects, attendance and social and emotional learning.

A primary school teacher to deliver interventions to years 7, 8 and 9 students in school. This may take the form of one to one tuition, small group work or supporting in existing lessons to ensure the students catch up on lost learning from the lock down period.

One to one and small group tuition to be delivered to key stage 4 students either face-to-face or online. Tuition to be delivered by teachers within school, sixth form mentors and previous trainees who have had their placements within school.

• Catch up mentor employed on a part time basis to mentor students in a pastoral capacity, ensuring links with home remain productive.
• CASY counselling for approximately five students per term until the end of the school year.
• CPD – Pupil premium conference for one delegate to attend in December.
• Tassomai subscription for English, maths and science for years 9, 10 and 11.
• PiXL English Strive for 5 webinar package; a reading and writing package which can be streamed into classrooms for whole lessons or bitesize chunks.

How we will assess the effect of this expenditure on the educational attainment of our students

• Student progress and attainment will be tracked through the three formal data points that we have during the year, this will allow us to track overall progress and attainment of students across all subjects.
• A detailed analysis will be presented to senior and middle leaders after each data point, this will includes analysis of all groups so trends can be spotted and acted upon.
• Internal tracking of the small group intervention will be used to track progress, these will be reviewed at the end of each term.