Year 7 – 11 enrichment

We believe every student learns best when they are fully engaged and on task. We enrich learning by providing a range of opportunities including the Duke of Edinburgh’s (DofE) Award, talks and workshops from visiting employers and employees, university visits and next steps days. We also offer a wide range of visits both in the UK and abroad to enrich the lives of our students and broaden their cultural capital. A full extra-curricular programme of activities is shared with parents termly. This diverse offer allows our students to engage in their choice of activities at lunch and after school.

Walton Academy has a partnership with the University of Oxford to support students with Oxbridge applications from year 10 through to year 13. In the academic year 2024-2025 we will be extending this provision through Lincoln College at Oxford to selected year 9 students.

Walton students are encouraged to take an active part in community life. Whether performing at dance, musical or sporting events, or working in partnership with other organisations, our students have the opportunity to act as ambassadors for Walton Academy. Student leaders also support our full programme of events throughout the academic year.

We support both local and national charities, raising and donating money to various worthy causes, including Red Nose Day, Children in Need, and local community organisations.

We love sport of all sorts, and encourage all students to take part individually, in lessons or in school teams. There are various sporting fixtures and sports clubs taking place throughout the academic year.

Student wellbeing charter

Student Charter


During your time at Walton, you can get involved in wide range of extracurricular activities, including trips and after school clubs.

Extracurricular Timetable Term 1 2 2024