Dear parents/carers,
Having done an assessment this afternoon I can confirm that the academy site will re-open tomorrow for the following on site provision:
· Critical worker provision
· Vulnerable student provision
· The Hub provision
Students who are attending the onsite provision above should arrive at normal time tomorrow (from 8.30am) and go straight to their classroom area. Today our site team have worked hard to clear the main pedestrian walk ways on site so that students can move around the site and to their classrooms spaces safely however they must be extra careful when moving around the site tomorrow as there will still be snow an ice around so they must stick to the cleared walk ways. There is still snow around the town and on the paths/streets leading up to the academy students must take extra care when arriving and exiting the academy tomorrow.
Thank you for your support, understanding and patience with this matter, I am pleased we can get our current provision back up and running from tomorrow.
Jess Leonard