Our high performing students are identified as Gifted, More Able and Talented (GMT) early in year 7 based on national recognised standards.

More able…

For standardised testing in year 6, the so called Higher Standard mark is anything above 110.

We recognise any student who has achieved a scaled-score of 110 or over in one, or more, of the assessment areas as ‘More Able’.


Where a student has achieved a mean average scaled score of 110 or more they will be identified as ‘Gifted’.


Our talented students are identified throughout their time at Walton. Usually outstanding performance in extra-curricular activities will be the main means of identification, however, exceptional classroom practice in some areas will also shine a light on our most talented of students.


Our GMT students are supported by every member of staff – each one will have access to a GMT Passport which will outline each student’s strengths, aspirations and interests. They will also have access to personalised enrichment opportunities through visits, clubs, ‘Super 9s’ mentoring, a specific year 11 tutor group and through our wide reaching High Flyers programme.

High Flyers programme

Year789,10, 11 and post 1610All
ProjectComputingPerfomanceMathsFood preparation and nutritionCurrent affairs
Micro:bit challengesWalton Lifestyles Research projectNational Cipher Challenge Food intolerancesRead/watch/research a ‘HOT’ topic in the news.
’What problem can you create a solution to?Researching the nutrition, sleep patterns, exercise and social activities of Walton students in order to prepare a presentation. In the lead up to WWII the British intelligence services were flooded with reports of Nazi spies and sympathisers. Research what a Coeliac is, what they can and can’t eat, their symptoms and how it can be cured/controlledWrite a short case or presentation to share your opinion. Try to consider multiple viewpoints!
Decode the secret messages that will expose the enemy agents.Maths problem-solving -try out your problem solving skills by solving challenging maths problems
ScheduleWorking IndependentlyWorking IndependentlyMonthly EmailWorking IndependentlyOnce per half term – Presentation in tutor time.