On Wednesday 23 March 2022 our year 12 students went to the UCAS exhibition at Lincoln University. It was great day for our students to attend a face to face event after all this time and to be so inspired and plan their next steps after sixth form.
Our head of sixth form Mrs McKeown stated “since arriving back after the trip, it was so clear how valuable this experience has been for year 12. All the students were sat in the sunshine on the post 16 benches, looking through prospectuses and chatting about their day. So many students said how the trip had really opened their eyes to new possibilities that they had not considered. Over the last couple of years, such experiences have been virtual and the chance to speak to university representatives face to face has really motivated them all”.
Feedback from students about the event was:
“Before I went on the UCAS trip I was certain I would not go to university. Post trip, I have completely changed my mind, it has opened my eyes to so many courses and opportunities that have excited me about the future. It now won’t be an easy decision”.
“I feel as though looking at physical university offers and speaking to representatives was extremely helpful and beneficial”.
“I was certain that I didn’t want to go to university before going on the trip but now it has really made me consider that this could be a good option. I am seriously considering going now”.
Nottingham college told Mrs McKeown how impressed he was with our students and was clearly evident from speaking to them how prepared they were for the day and how much research they had done.
All students were a real credit to the academy.