Years 7-9
This exciting and interesting subject aims to develop your interest and passion for music both as performers and as audience members giving you an enthusiasm for the subject. You will experience a wide range of music genres. Lessons will be highly practical and there will be a range of group and individual work to allow you to develop the skills and fulfil your potential within the subject. A challenging, creative and enjoyable course.
Students will be assessed at the end of each scheme of work by your teachers, this will involve a practical performance. Throughout the term you will be given feedback in a variety of forms including; written, verbal, peer and self-assessment. This feedback will help you make improvements to your practical performance work throughout the course.
Years 10 and 11
BTEC Award in Music
Lessons will be a mixture of practical and written work. You will explore music education through developing key skills in Performance, Composition, Listening & Appraisal. Students at this key stage have made a further commitment to music education and will now study all components of the subject in greater depth. You will sing, learn to play a range of instruments, listen to a wide variety of music, explore the workings of the music industry and work on your compositions in class.
Specification Content
Students learn to perform music and show technical control, expression and interpretation. They also create and develop musical ideas with technical control and coherence. Compositional work will be edited further through work with music technology, notation input, looping and sequencing software. Listening and appraisal skills will be nurtured, with students learning to analyse and evaluate music using musical terminology.
Awarding Body
Topics covered and assessment
There are four units of assessment:
Unit 1: The Music Industry – 60 minute examination component
This unit will allow you to gain a good understanding of the scope of the music industry with a view to getting work in and using the organisations that exist. You will investigate music organisations to find out about the work they do and how they relate to and rely on one another. You will also be given the opportunity to find out about the people who work in these organisations, from performers to people who work in technical, production and administrative roles.
Unit 2: Managing a Music Product – Plan, develop and deliver a music event
This unit will enable to you to manage the planning, delivery and promotion of a live concert. The success of your music product will rely heavily on the planning and development process. You will work in a defined role to apply the specialist skills, knowledge and understanding required for the aspect of work for which you are responsible. Your planning will lead to the final delivery of your event to others.
Unit 5: Introducing Music Performance – developing performance skills
This unit will focus on you performing on your chosen instrument/voice, work on solo and ensemble performance pieces and create a rehearsal log of how you have improved over a series of weeks.
Unit 7: Introducing Music Sequencing – using music technology in sequencing/composition
You will learn how software is now capable of producing high-quality music that even recently was only possible with large and expensive hardware-based systems. You will learn how to create music using a variety of sources, including loops and software instruments. You will edit your music by the application of different process such as quantisation, looping and note editing, and enhance the sound by the addition of appropriate plug-in effects such as reverb, delay and distortion.
Recommended revision guides / course resources