Years 7-9

Learning a language is a lot of fun and in year 7 you will start speaking Spanish straight away. Some of you will have done a language at primary school, some of you won’t, but you will quickly pick up the basics and be able to speak Spanish to your classmates.


You will be assessed regularly throughout the year to see how you are getting on. We work on four skills in Spanish; listening, speaking, reading and writing. We try to do a bit of each every lesson to give you lots of practice. Assessment takes place over the year in a range of ways. You will often have a quick activity in class to see how you have understood something; this might be a listening, reading or writing task. You will be speaking Spanish every lesson so your teacher will be able to assess you by listening to how well you complete tasks. You will also have end of unit tests during the course of the year where you will be awarded a grade using the GCSE grading system.

Topics covered

In September we will start with the basics of introducing yourself and giving some personal details. During years 7, 8 and 9 you will cover topics on where you live, family, pets and school. You will be able to give basic opinions and talk about yourself

Years 10 and 11

Students will develop their Spanish language skills to their full potential, equipping them with the knowledge to communicate in a variety of contexts with confidence.

Specification Content

Students study all of the following themes on which the assessments are based.

  • Theme 1: Identity and Culture
  • Theme 2: Local, National, International and Global Areas of Interest
  • Theme 3: Current and Future Study and Employment

Awarding Body



GCSE Spanish has a Foundation Tier (grades 1–5) and a Higher Tier (grades 4–9) exaamination. Students must take all four question papers at the same tier. All question papers must be taken at the end of the course

Paper 1: Listening
What is assessed?
Understanding and responding to different types of spoken language.

Written exam: 35 minutes (Foundation Tier), 45 minutes (Higher Tier) 40 marks (Foundation Tier), 50 marks (Higher Tier) 25% of GCSE (Each exam includes 5 minutes’ reading time of the question paper before the listening stimulus is played.)

Paper 2: Speaking
What is assessed?
Communicating and interacting effectively in speech for a variety of purposes.

Non-exam assessment

  • 7–9 minutes (Foundation Tier) and preparation time
  • 10–12 minutes (Higher Tier) and preparation time
  • 60 marks (for each of Foundation Tier and Higher Tier)
  • 25% of GCSE

Paper 3: Reading
What is assessed?
Understanding and responding to different types of written language.

Written exam: 45 minutes (Foundation Tier), 1 hour (Higher Tier) 60 marks (for each of Foundation Tier and Higher Tier) 25% of GCSE

Paper 4: Writing
What is assessed?
Communicating effectively in writing for a variety of purposes.

Written exam: 1 hour (Foundation Tier), 1 hour 15 minutes (Higher Tier) 50 marks at Foundation Tier and 60 marks at Higher Tier 25% of GCSE

Topics covered

Students study all of the following themes on which the assessments are based.

  • Theme 1: Identity and culture
  • Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest
  • Theme 3: Current and future study and employment

Recommended revision guides / course resources